martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Introduction: Himeko

Name: Andrea(Himeko, please (: )
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Occupation: studying
Height: 166cm.
Hair/Eyes: Dark brown / green
First discovery of gyaru:
I think it was because of Hime Gyaru, o Manba, I cant remember very well, just remember that one day I knew about it *laughs*
Your Gyaru Style: (however many you like)
Haaady, Hime, Kogal, B-gal, Japonika...

Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:

Takahashi Yuma

Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-model Inspirations:
1. Cale (A gyaru from Spain)
2. Ayumi Hamasaki
3. COCOCREW XD (Just because they live with cocolulu's clothing <3)
4. I don't know...Viri Barba? (just because is the first manba I see in person)
5. No idea...
Your 3 Favorite Gyaru Magazines:
1. PopSister
2. Egg
3. Ranzuki
The Top 6 Gyaru Brands you like best:
1. Cocolulu
2. Liz Lisa
3. W*C
4. Lip service
5. Cecil McBee
6. Roconails/BMB/Tralala DX

 3 of Your Favorite Coordinates: (not your own)

 (the last one)
Your 7 Favorite Fashion Items That You Own:
(not in this order)
1. Offbrand ribbon beige bag (All is offbrand ;_;)
2. Yellow stars belt
3. Black heels
4. Harajuku lovers yellow/navy blue minibag
5. Gray short boots
6. Black skirt
7. Tights (L)
Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:

1. Learn how to put eyelashes! XO!!
2. Buy a white liner
3. Have things from CO&LU
4. Have MORE clothes
5. Use more accesories
6. Have many magazines like Egg, Popsister, etc. for being inspired
7. Dye a short part of my hair light pink
8. Get a better makeup
9. Buy some circle lenses and learn how to wear them D:
10. Get a Kigurumi!!!(of Stich, or Rikakkuma <3)

Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Dance ParaPara
2. Gettinginside this "luxury world"
3. Joining Pink Martini gyarusa
4. Motivating me for know more about gyaru fashion
5. Thank God now I'm wanting "normal" clothes haha (I'm also Lolita)

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